
Our Website has finally launched!

Some of you may be completely new here but some of you may already know who I am. If we are already familiar then thank you for your patience. I’m hoping to answer as many questions as I can with this initial blog post.

Please know that my practice is still not open but will be open soon. There are many ducks I need to line up before I can open the doors. I will have to run out of Jupiter, FL for a while but the goal is to eventually move back to the Stuart / Palm City area.

Please know that the model that I have chosen to go with for my practice is different from your traditional insurance based model. In order to practice the way that I want to practice and provide the best care to my patients I have decided not to take insurance. I know this sounds scary and upsetting for some of you but it may not be as out of reach as you may expect. I have added a lot of information on the website to help answer a lot of questions regarding this model. There is a very informative video on my home page and FAQ page as well as most common questions/concerns on the FAQ page. If you have any additional questions, after reviewing this content, please feel free to contact me at You can also use the contact us page on the website.

I will try to post weekly updates (or more frequent if possible) on this blog to keep you all up to date on my progress, expected opening date, and temporary office location.

I’m so happy you found me and I am so very thankful for your continued patience.

Dr. Cristina Alekseyenko, DO
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